Five habits I do that help me write

Here I am at 5:37am with my son watching Match of the Day, which is a sports programme showing highlights of soccer games and I have edited and continued to write my books I am putting together at the moment, and yes it is early, but I like it.

Photo by Andrew Neel on

I thought I would share 5 habits I do to help me write, which may help you too.

  1. Clean your space. I like to clean my desk or dinner table where I write most of the time, when I am not writing sitting on the sofa, daily with a cup of tea and listening to a podcast or some music.
  2. Create a playlist. I love doing this, because it helps me vision the story I want to write and get lost in it and I don’t write pages and pages, but snippets. I imagine it to be on the TV and the scenes I want to create as I grow and write my books.
  3. Set the scene for yourself. This is why it is good to get up early, with a cup of tea with some peaceful music. My son at the moment is up, but listening to a podcast and helps block out disruption and this helps me write my blogs and stories, to create a book and in warmth, as struggle to write when it is cold. I also write a google about writing check it out here:
  4. Take breaks. Such an important one as I get restless and why I don’t do a long session of writing and take my time. Be patient with it and taking a break to go for a walk or do some cleaning can really help create ideas for your book, you wish to write.
  5. Schedule and preplan. I plan my writing each week and go through days where I have appointments, a special occasion and still fit in my writing when I have other things planned. I use my Filofax, but use what is useful to you and stop feeling of being behind which can affect us, to write and it is a joy not a chore. If it is becoming a chore then you need to make changes with it, so you enjoy it not dread it.

I hope you like these tips and find then useful and if you’d like to be notified when I post a blog on this channel then please subscribe.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Published by Carries Blog Network

Life Coach, Blog Writer, Author, Content Creator and a Mother. My aim is to help people with parenting, building success, health and wellbeing and creating a network and community through my blogs, books and video content.

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