Book Review Autumn 2023

If you didn’t know, this site is all about my books and stories, being a writer myself and write book reviews and have one now for you. I finished two paper back books and one audio book on Audible.

So going to begin with The Sugar Girls. Brilliant. It is from different points of view, and is about the women who worked in the sugar factories, like Tate and Lyle, and how different life was years ago and how the women would work in the factory until they married and started a family, and how that all changed, to make it so woman could continue working even with having a family.

I thought It was really enjoyable and love these type of stores as I find them inspirational and how powerful women can be.

The next one is a Memoir and true story, by Portia De Rossi, and how she battled with an eating dissorder and is very honest and how she battled with it, when she was a model to being a actress, and in shows like Ally McBeale and was so honest and real. She went through how she would live on oil spray and binge and then be sick. I think it will really help girls and woman talk. I had a eaten dissorder myself and it can take control to the point, that it can lead to dealth and she shares how her family and how they tried to help her, but was in denial and thought she was doing good to reach the weight she wanted to be and feared the fat on her body, like many girls and ladies who have had eating disorders and an be frigthtening.

Then the audible book I completed, was Saves A Cat Writes a Novel. I am going to buy it to have the physical book, as I did find it helpful in writing my books and how to plot and create scenes, and had some good practices and there are some spoilers of books but really helpful with creating a book and making sure your main charactor or charactors has a goal, and plot points, and will listen to it again, and read it as I did find it really helpful.

This is another book review for Autumn 2023 and sharing what I thought of the books.

If you have books you’d recommend for me to read, then please let me know, by leaving a comment below, and if you read these books what did you think.

I hope this blog helps you and more book reviews to come.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Published by Carries Blog Network

Life Coach, Blog Writer, Author, Content Creator and a Mother. My aim is to help people with parenting, building success, health and wellbeing and creating a network and community through my blogs, books and video content.

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